
Speech Therapy
Our speech and language pathologists are experts in treating children with a variety of communication disorders or deficits. They help when a child has challenges in understanding and following directions, decreased ability in social interactions and feeding and swallowing skills. With the support of our speech and language pathologists, your child will start improving their abilities to articulate sounds more clearly, develop their communication and social skills and develop oral motor muscles to improve language use.
Occupational Therapy
Our experienced occupational therapists treats a variety of pediatric conditions. Occupational therapists support and nurture a child to better engage in his or her daily routine by strengthening motor, social and sensory skills. Our occupational therapists can help when a child has difficulty with activities of daily living, such as getting dressed or brushing their teeth. They also help when a child has difficulty with following directions, sensitivity to textures or foods and coping with fine motor delays or deficits such as ability to grasp and release toys with their hands.
Physical Therapy
The physical therapists at Renaissance Healthcare System specialize in treating children for gross motor delays or deficits such as in rolling, sitting and walking. By utilizing therapies in a play-based environment, our physical therapists help children increase their strength, balance, coordination and motor skills to function as independently as possible and to promote active participation at home and in the community. Parents are always included in the treatment processes to ensure treatment carryover to every part of a child’s daily routine.

All therapy sessions are family centered and interactive, and take place within the context of a child’s day at home, school or daycare. The therapy sessions are also available virtually or hybrid to support family's preference of intervention settings. Our PT's, OT’s and SLP's guides parents on how to choose appropriate activities and toys to encourage development, and how to incorporate the strategies used during therapy into the child’s routine.